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EDITORIAL - The Great Whale Explosion of 1970

This week, I would like to share with readers one of my favorite ridiculous stories from recent history. I believe this tale is a perfect example of good intentions with disastrous execution. For this week's editorial, I will recount the tale of the Great Whale Explosion of 1970.

EDITORIAL - RIP "Mr. Baseball"

Last week, Wisconsinites and sports fans the world over were deeply saddened to hear news of the passing of legendary broadcaster Bob Uecker. Over the past half century, Uecker elevated himself from just another former baseball player to a household name and legendary personality. Personally, I was shocked to find out I could be so affected by the death of a 90-year-old man I never met, but seeing all the tributes to Uecker moved me deeply.

EDITORIAL - RIP Jimmy Carter

This week, millions of Americans across the nation mourned the passing of former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. As someone who has always been fascinated with U.S. presidential politics, I have had a particular fondness for Carter's down-home attitude and positive outlook. For this week's editorial, I would like to share with readers five strange and lesser-known facts about our 39th President.

EDITORIAL - "Auld Lang Syne"

This New Year, millions of people the world over rang in 2025 with countdowns, toasts, fireworks and a traditional song that has become the staple of the holiday. "Auld Lang Syne" is perhaps the quintessential piece of any New Year gathering, and the tune is recognizable as such throughout the English-speaking world. But why? Why does this old, dragging song with incoherent lyrics continue to be played and sung every January 1?

EDITORIAL - My top five Christmas movies

One of my favorite parts of each holiday season is cozying up with my favorite classic Christmas movies. For as long as I can remember, this time of year has always meant dusting off copies of each of my seasonal favorites and enjoying them with family and friends.

EDITORIAL - Happy Thanksgiving 2024!

This Thursday, families across the country will gather around tables and take part in the yearly expression of gratitude and overeating that is Thanksgiving. While the history and origins of this holiday are well-ingrained Americana, there are still some lesser known facts about the celebration that are both strange and amusing.

EDITORIAL - Veterans Day

This Monday, the nation will honor all those who have served during the annual commemoration of Veterans Day. November 11 has stood as a day to thank and remember veterans for over a century and has ingrained itself as a thoughtful and important part of the American year. For this week’s editorial, I would like to explore the origins and evolution of this solemn and grateful observance.

EDITORIAL - We're better than this

This Tuesday, Americans across the country will cast their votes. Personally, I have never been more ready for an election season to be done in my life. The division and complete dysfunction of our political discourse has reached such a fever pitch that I can hardly bear watching or reading national news anymore.

EDITORIAL - Honor Flights

For last week's issue of The Denmark News, I had the privilege of covering the Denmark Middle School 8th Grade Band perform at this year's "Flight of Champions" Honor Flight return celebration. Although I had been well aware of what Honor Flights were and what they consisted of, I was truly moved by the support shown by volunteers and the joy expressed by participants.

EDITORIAL - Project Pigeon

I am an avid lover of history. Like many Americans, I am particularly fascinated with the history surrounding World War II. Last week, while reading about technological experiments done during the war, I came across a story that was so off-the-wall and bizarre, I just had to share it with others.

EDITORIAL - Homecoming

Last week, Denmark commemorated and observed a longstanding and beloved American tradition. For as long as anyone can remember, fall has brought with it Homecoming and all the associated rituals and traditions. The undertaking has become so commonplace that few even stop to wonder just why we do it each year.


While cheese may be the food northeast Wisconsin is most associated with, booyah is no doubt a close second. For generations, residents of the area have flocked to church picnics, fundraisers and family parties to enjoy the hearty stew throughout the year with a multitude of varieties emerging. While everyone from the region knows full well what booyah is, it is relatively unknown outside the Midwest.

EDITORIAL - What the hell, NFL?

Last Friday night, the Green Bay Packers faced off against the Philadelphia Eagles in a historic regular season opener in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In doing so, the NFL shattered norms by forcing themselves onto another continent as well as a previously unprecedented day of the week for professional football.

EDITORIAL - Back to School

This week, students and staff across the Denmark area and beyond will be heading back to class for another school year. With it will come the regular hectic hustle and bustle of buses rolling and students attempting to return to a normal schedule.

EDITORIAL - Money is the root of our political problems

On January 21, 2010, in the landmark case "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC)", the United States Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 vote to strike down a prohibition on corporate independent expenditures toward political campaigns. In layman's terms, the decision removed restrictions on corporations, unions and nonprofit organizations from financially supporting political candidates on grounds of free speech.

EDITORIAL - The kids aren't alright

At last week's Village of Denmark Board Meeting, I was disheartened to hear multiple reports of a growing issue related to minors in the municipality wreaking havoc on public and private property. These wayward youth seem to have made a habit of causing as much damage as possible when left to their devices throughout town.

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