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EDITORIAL - God doesn't want you to litter

This summer, I have made it a goal to get out and enjoy the numerous parks and nature trails our area has to offer. I believe we are very lucky to have access to great natural areas including the Devil's River State Recreational Trail, Neshota Park and Maribel Caves County Park. For the most part, I have been happy to find that most of my fellow visitors have respected the natural wonder and refrained from disturbing it with trash.

EDITORIAL - 4th of July

Last Thursday, Americans across the country observed their Independence Day. The Fourth of July is undoubtedly the most American of holidays and is rooted in our struggle for sovereignty during the birth of our nation. For this week's editorial, I would like to take a look at the origins and genesis of Independence Day to better understand how it is observed today.

EDITORIAL - New bank building is good for Denmark

Last month, I was happy to report Bank First will be investing in the Denmark community with a brand new branch building to be constructed next year. I was once again disappointed to discover The Denmark News Facebook audience did not share my enthusiasm and instead filled the announcements comments section with negativity toward the project.

EDITORIAL - Making the most of a rainy day

This past weekend, my duties for The Denmark News tasked me with covering two beloved local summer traditions. For longer than I have been on this earth, generations of people have flocked to both the annual Curran Community Club Softball Tournament as well as the yearly Maribel Lions Picnic. This year was set to be no different with a busy weekend jam-packed with fun and excitement being prepared for by both groups.

EDITORIAL - Juneteenth

This week, many readers may be wondering why they received their copy of The Denmark News a day early. Others will probably wonder why there is no mail service on Wednesday. The answer is the United States’ newest federal holiday--Juneteenth. While most probably know the day is genuinely associated with the African American community, it seems few understand its history or its meaning.

Thanks for everything Kelly!

This week, I am deeply saddened to wish the warmest of farewells to our esteemed sportswriter --Kelly Fenton. Over the past two years, I have had the honor and pleasure of working with Kelly and I will be forever grateful for his kindness, thoughtfulness and direction.

EDITORIAL - Arts Education

This week, I had the honor and the privilege of taking part in the annual DHS Fine Arts Banquet as both a presenter for the fall musical and spring play as well as an observer for my duties as a reporter. As always, I was blown away by the sheer amount and level of talent on display in our community's young people.

EDITORIAL - Memorial Day

This Monday, across the nation, Americans will observe Memorial Day. While most know that the holiday is meant to honor deceased members of the American armed forces, few understand its complicated origins. So, for this week's editorial, I would like to examine how and why Memorial Day came to be.

EDITORIAL - History of Rummage Sales

As the Denmark area winds down another year of the busy rummage sale season, I found myself wondering the reasoning behind this ubiquitous tradition. While annual rummage sales have come to be a hallmark of the spring season, when one takes a step back, the tradition can seem a bit odd.

EDITORIAL - Poor planning

Throughout my year and a half of working for The Denmark News, I have covered stories in all corners of the village. While most of the municipality's design and layout seems to make sense, one part of town has always baffled me --Daybreak Estates. While it is a very nice and beautiful neighborhood, one feature's absence continues to confuse me --sidewalks.

EDITORIAL - The Denmark Community Cupboard

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending the Denmark Community Cupboard's first ever fundraiser dinner. Since I started writing for The Denmark News, I have time and time again found myself blown away by the cupboards dedication and commitment to those in need in our community.

EDITORIAL - Strange food

In my free time, I sometimes like to delve into researching strange and unique social practices across history and the globe. Recently, while stumbling down the online rabbit hole of unusual food from around the world, I came across one of the most unhinged and shocking culinary customs that seemed far too cartoonishly evil to be real.

EDITORIAL - Hunting the eclipse

Last Monday, the world experienced a spectacular celestial occurrence in the much-anticipated solar eclipse. It also happened to be this reporter's 30th birthday. On my birthday, I tasked myself with the mission of capturing a photo of the meteorological phenomenon. For this week's editorial, I would like to recount my quest to capture the solar eclipse.

EDITORIAL - Turning 30

This Monday, I observed a personal milestone --I turned 30 years old. While I do not subscribe to most of the over-importance placed on birthdays, I do believe it does provide an opportunity to reflect on where we have been, where we are, and where we are going. So, for this week's editorial, I would like to share some of my thoughts as I embark on the next decade of my life.

EDITORIAL - What's with the eggs?

This week, my work for The Denmark News took me to four different Easter Egg Hunts. While covering these events, I found myself once again wondering why the tradition was taking place and just what any of it had to do with the East holiday. As a lifelong Christian, I understand the meaning behind Easter Sunday itself but I have always failed to see what the resurrection of our savior has to do with hidden novelty eggs and a giant bunny.

EDITORIAL - Thank you Forst Inn!

One of the hardest parts of staging a play is finding ways for your actors to connect and understand the material they are presenting. One way to accomplish this is by watching others perform the same show, getting a better idea of how and why things work the way they do. While this can be accomplished by watching recordings, there is nothing quite like seeing a show you are performing in person.

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