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EDITORIAL - OneDenmark Community Center

Over the past eight months working for The Denmark News, I have had the privilege to see first-hand all the amazing things happening in our community, as well as the awesome people and organizations that make them possible. This experience has left me feeling extremely hopeful for what the future holds for our town and its people. So many in our community want what is best for everyone and are willing to put in the hard work necessary to accomplish it.

Why the NFL Draft needs to come to Green Bay

Regardless of the size and lack of infrastructure, many believe this major event will still come to Titletown

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher

EDITORIAL - Congratulations Cast & Crew

Over the last couple months, in addition to my duties as lead writer for The Denmark News, I have also had the pleasure of serving as Assistant Director for this year's Denmark High School Spring Play, "Arsenic and Old Lace". For those who did not get the chance to see the show this weekend, the cast and crew delivered three outstanding performances for all audiences to enjoy. Night after night, they gave it their all and made each performance shine.

EDITORIAL - Sore Loser

If you are like me, you are more than a little relieved that this year's spring election is now over. Finally, after months of increasing annoyance, the phone calls, text messages, mailers and most of all, the non-stop advertisements on television and radio will finally cease, at least until the next election cycle rears its ugly head.

One year from now: the next rare Solar Eclipse hits the U.S.

Before 2017's solar eclipse, it was 38 years since the last one; the next after 2024 not for another 20 years!

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher/Owner

Holy Week: Our Lenten season concludes in a powerful way

Traditions help us focus on faith

By: Chris Nelson, Publisher

Many of us celebrate this time of year. Spring is here, the weather is warmer, the days are longer and the sun seems to shine a little brighter. Winter is becoming a distant memory and we begin to focus on the new season that’s arrived.

Denmark State Bank Purchased New Burglar-Proof Safe

By: Alex Sekora

In 1910, Denmark State Bank undertook a major upgrade to increase the safety of deposits by purchasing a burglar alarm. The new alarm was purchased from the American Bank Protection company of Minneapolis.

EDITORIAL - Music Education

Over the past couple weeks, writing for The Denmark News has led me to covering some of the great things that are happening in Denmark School District's music program. Whether it is competing at Solo Ensemble last weekend, performing at the Band Extravaganza a couple weeks ago, or traveling together to Washington D.C.

Competitive or Classless?

National Player of the Year Caitlin Clark followed and mocked by LSU player at end of championship game

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher/Owner

Editorial - Mandatory Voitng

Looking around at the modern political climate, it is hard for one to fathom just how we got here. The American political system is more gridlocked and polarized than ever, with elected leaders rarely reaching across the aisle for any reason. With the current state of affairs, it's hard to imagine any way out of our current political predicament. My solution? Mandatory voting.

I fell for Disney World

"I thought Disney was an overpriced, tourist trap; I was wrong!"

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher

My idea of a good time is anywhere I can go with my son. Each weekend we pack in as much adventure as possible; from something as simple as a trip to Fleet Farm for a new inflatable (My six year old prefers to call them ‘up/downs’) to the creative-SpamTown USA in Austin, Minnesota. We visit family and friends and spend lots of quality time making memories.

History of spring break

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher

Mid-March can bring just about anything weather wise. We find ourselves celebrating warmer spring-like temperatures, basking in the summer-like sun on Monday and then pulling out the snow boots the next day, as we brace ourselves for a bone-chilling blast of winter-like weather.

EDITORIAL - Green Bay Mayoral Race

As another election day grows near, I once again find myself being irritated by the onslaught of advertisements for candidates begging for my vote. This is nothing new, every election brings with it campaigns advertising and although it annoys me in general, this year one race (and the attention paid to it) has particularly gotten under my skin.

Milprint closure creates huge void

By: Alex Sekora

In 2006, a huge blow was dealt to the Denmark community. Milprint, the second largest employer in the village, closed its manufacturing facility, laying off all 124 employees.

DW 2023: The asteroid that could hit Earth on Valentine’s Day in 2046

Scientists monitor asteroid with a one in 607 chance of colliding with Earth

By: Chris C. Nelson, Publisher

  With all of the chaos happening in the world today, wouldn’t it be

something if it ended with an asteroid hitting the Earth this

century? There’s a chance it could happen; a small chance. The

asteroid known as DW 2023, which has a chance of colliding with

EDITORIAL - Public Money for stadiums

Last week Wednesday, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers unveiled his administration's proposed budget for the year. One major item included in the budget was $290 million in state money to be given to the Milwaukee Brewers for improvements to American Family Field (formerly Miller Park).

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